2019Khulna, Bangladesh
Master of Science (M.Sc. Eng.) in Biomedical Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET)
Thesis Title: Prediction on Ischemic Heart Disease using Machine Learning Approaches
Abstract:Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a terrible experience that occurs when the flow of blood severely reduced or cut off due to plaque deposited on the inner wall of arteries that brings oxygen to the heart muscle, leads to the ischemic heart attack (IHA). Atherosclerosis i.e. plaque deposition on the inner wall of arteries is a silent process, has no critical symptoms to get a warning before IHD. For this reason, early detection is very important for the proper management of patients prone to IHD. In this thesis work, it was tried to predict IHD on the basis of patient history, symptoms and pathological findings of patients with heart disease using computational intelligence. Total 506 patient’s data with a maximum of 151 features including historic, symptomatic and pathologic findings were collected from AFC Fortis Escort Heart Institute, Khulna, Bangladesh. First, it was tried to identify the significant risk factors of IHD i.e. the features which are significantly correlated with IHD by applying different feature selection techniques. Then IHD was predicted using significant risk factors by applying different classifier algorithms. The significant risk factors of IHD were determined by using Chi-Square correlation, Ranking the features based on information gain and Best First Search techniques. Among 151 collected features only 28 features showed high correlations with IHD based on 0.05 significance level and information gain 1% or above. 10-fold cross-validation technique was applied with different classification algorithms e.g. Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Bagging, Logistic Regression, and Random Forest to predict IHD using the most significant 28 risk factors. IHD prediction accuracy was observed ranges from 95.85% to 97.63% with different classifier algorithm. Random Forest showed the best prediction performance with an accuracy of 97.63%. The same processing technique and classification algorithms were applied to the Cleveland hospital dataset to validate our prediction approach. The observed IHD prediction accuracy was 80.46-83.77% without applying the proposed processing techniques, but the accuracy degraded to 79.80-81.46% applying the proposed processing techniques. The Cleveland hospital data contains 303 patients’ data with only 13 features whereas the collected dataset contains 506 patient’s data with 28 nicely correlated IHD risk factors. This is why the proposed method is not suitably applicable to Cleveland dataset.
Download Link : https://dspace.kuet.ac.bd/handle/20.500.12228/827 -
2016Khulna, Bangladesh
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. Eng.) in Computer Science and Engineering
Khulna University
Thesis Title: Heart Diseases Prediction Using Clinical Data And Data Mining Approaches
Abstract:Heart disease is now very frequent in Bangladesh. The healthcare industry collects huge amounts of data, however that is not mined. Medical diagnosis is very important but very expensive. In our country most of our people cannot afford this expensive diagnosis cost. Thus we want to develop a smart phone based system that can initially predict heart disease risk. The clinical data from 787 patients was correlated and analyzed with the risk factors like Hypertension, Diabetes, Dyslipidemia, Smoking, Family History, Exercise, Stress and existing clinical symptom which may suggest underlying non detected IHD. The data was mined with data mining technology in computer science and a score was generated. The risk was classified into Low, Medium and High for IHD. On comparing and categorizing the patients whose data was obtained for generating the score; we found there was significant correlation of having a cardiac event when Low and High category was compared and p value = 0.0004. Our thesis is motivated to make simple approach to detect the heart disease risk and aware the population to get themselves evaluated by a cardiologist to avoid sudden deaths and morbidities. Currently available tools has mandatory input of lipid values which makes them underutilized by population though those risk calculators bear excellent academic importance. Our thesis product may reduce this limitation and promote a risk evaluation on time.
2009Khulna, Bangladesh
Higher Secondary Certifcate (HSC)
Govt. M. M. City College
- Board: Jessore
- Group: Science
- Position: 282 in Jessore Board
- GPA: 5.00
- Passing Year: 2009
2007Khulna, Bangladesh
Secondary School Certifcate (SSC)
Khulna Zilla School
- Board: Jessore
- Group: Science
- GPA: 5.00
- Passing Year: 2007
2018 2021Netherlands
Information Sciences - An International Journal, Publisher: Elsevier
Works as Reviewer in Information Sciences - An International Journal, Publisher: Elsevier, (Duration: December (2018)-Present.) -
2019Sikkim, India
IEEE Conference
Worked as Reviewer in “International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms -2019” (ICACCP-2019) on 25 to 28 February, 2019 in Sikkim, India. (IEEE Conference Record No : 45516). -
2019Bangalore, India
IEEE Conference
Worked as Reviewer in “2019 International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Intelligent Control, Environment, Computing & Communication Engineering”(ICATIECE) on 19th and 20th March, 2019 in Bangalore, India. (IEEE Conference Record No : 45860). -
2019Coimbatore, India
IEEE Conference
Worked as Reviewer in “2019 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies”(IEEE ICECCT 2019) on 20 - 22, February, 2019 in Coimbatore, India. (IEEE Conference Record No : 45014). -
2017 2021United States
Advances in Science, Technology & Engineering Systems
Works as Reviewer in Advances in Science, Technology & Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ) (ISSN: 2415-6698), Reviewer Code: RVCAI0429 (Duration: November (2017)-Present.) -
2017Khulna, Bangladesh
IEEE Bangladesh Section
Worked in organizing committee to organize Workshop on University-Industry Collaboration: Challenges and Opportunities arranged by Industry Activity Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section. -
Editorial Member
Journal of Computer
Works as Editorial Member in SCIREA Journal of Computer.(Duration: August (2018)-Present.) -
ICT Ministry (MoICT)
Worked in management committee to organize National 500 Apps Trainer and Innovative Apps Development Program inauguration ceremony in Khulna University arranged by ICT Ministry (MoICT), Bangladesh.
2015Khulna, Bangladesh
2nd Prize in Project Showcasing
Got 2nd Prize for project show in CSE Festival arranged by CLUSTER , Khulna University -
2014Khulna, Bangladesh
District 1st in National Mobile Application Awareness & Capacity Building Program
Khulna University
Got android mobile Phone as prize. -
2007Khulna, Bangladesh
Bangladesh Children Festival award
2006Khulna, Bangladesh
Bissho-shahitto Kendro award
2008Khulna, Bangladesh
Islami Bank Educational Scholarship in S.S.C level
Islami Bank
2009Khulna, Bangladesh
Board Scholarship in H.S.C level
Jessore Board